Individuals often spend considerable time deciding on whether to have an assessment for dyslexia. Some may have already had a screener for dyslexia which has highlighted them as being at risk and others recognise that they have a number of challenges which follow a typical pattern of a dyslexic learner.
Diagnostic testing is extensive and includes tests related to underlying ability, processing, vocabulary, comprehension, phonemic awareness, achievement and more. Individuals also need to have an up to date vision and hearing assessment to rule out any related issues. In order to receive an official diagnosis for dyslexia, the extensive testing must be completed by a qualified professional, such as a level 7 trained specialist assessor of dyslexia or a psychologist.
These are some of the benefits of a formal diagnosis:
Dyslexia is covered by the Equality Act 2010, this means that education institutions and the workplace have a duty to take this into account and make reasonable adjustments to accommodate individual difficulties.
Many people find it reassuring to have a formal diagnosis as it helps them to understand the reason behind their difficulties. It can also help individuals feel better about the difficulty, because they know it’s not “their fault”, but just how their brain is built.
The assessment report details the strengths as well as the weaknesses of the individual and helps them to understand how to make the most of their abilities.
It can help you frame the difficulty in a wider context. Many highly successful artists, entrepreneurs, actors, architects, designers etc. are dyslexic.